10 Points I Learned from The Book — The Science of Getting Rich

Wallace Wattles explains the concept and the process as a science

Dr Ashish Juneja, PhD


Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Is there is an exact science of getting rich? If this is the question in your mind — according to Wallace Wattles. There is an exact science similar to mathematics, multiplication, subtraction, and addition.

Wallace in his book says that if you do things in a certain way, it binds you to get rich or at least will set your path right in getting rich.

10 Points to learn from the science of getting rich by Wallace D wattles.

1. Fulfill Objectives Of Mind, Body, And Soul

We feed the body through food, clothing, and other requirements. The mind needs intellectual adventure through books, thoughts, and discussions. The soul needs love for its fulfillment. You can offer love through giving only and not by taking. Life finds fulfillment through you by feeding the trio.

2. Thought Is The Only Power That Can Produce Substance

Thought is the only power that can produce substance. We are living in a thought universe. A thought in a substance is creating a thought to be something else.

The mastery here is to live with richness in poverty and thought of health in disease.

3. Life Multiplies Itself By Living

The urge of life is to do more and add more. Living a life of abundance and fulfillment is living the law of life. Life finds fulfillment and expression through abundance, growth, and development. You are getting rich to make your life fulfilled. Make the most of yourself and help others.

4. Be A Creator, Not A Competitor

Since childhood, you trained to get 1st rank in the class because you cannot get that once that is occupied. I do not think it limits all opportunities and supplies. There is abundance always in nature. There is enough to feed everyone’s requirements.

If you are an employee, try to deliver more than you are being paid. If you are an employer, try to pay more than you receive. The received value should always be less than the paid value.

5. Attitude Of Gratitude

Gratitude, i.e., is being grateful, will bring you into harmony with nature. You will move from competitive to creative thought. The more you get and the more you are grateful for, the more will be given to you. The ideology here is not ingratitude only when you receive something.

6. An Action Is Always Equal To A Reaction

Like the rule of science, an action has an equal and opposite reaction. When you are grateful for anything, there is an action on your end, and so does the reaction. You get all things that you again become grateful for. When you are in the complaining mode, disappointment, lack, and fear mode, your action is negative. So what you generate is the vicious circle of lack, fear, complaints, and disappointment.

Fix your attention on the best, and you will generate and become the best.

7. Define And See The Picture

There has to be clear thinking of what you want to do. A clear picture is a key to ask. See those things as if you already own them. Dwell on your mental picture and see that you already own it. Do not have a wavering mind that this is not real. Imagine the proper desired financial environment all the time.

8. Apply The Process To Self Only

When you are looking to change your financial blueprint, use the methods on yourself only. If you want to bear the fruits of your thoughts, apply your thoughts to yourself only. You cannot apply your thoughts to change the sunrise. You cannot use your thoughts to change the laws of nature.

The moment you try to create hurt or lack for another person mentally, you go against the law of the Universe. You enter the process of a competitive mind.

9. Act Now To Receive

You cannot work in the past; You can work in the present only. Do not look for the right perfect moment. If you are in a business and feel that it is wrong, the business does not hold just the mental image of the right business. Act in the present business each day and each hour and each minute. All your right actions will take you to the right business.

If you are an employee and looking for the right job, hold on to the vision, but keep acting on each element of your present job. Your current successful efforts will take you to the future right job.

Your action and faith should go hand in hand. Work during work hours and produce a mental image during leisure hours is the secret to getting rich.

10. Law Of Advancement And Perpetual Increase

Universe has a law of perpetual increase and continuous advancement. If you want advancement in your life, activate the thoughts of advancement and increase in each transaction you do. Be it a tiny transaction; give the thought of inspiration and increase.

Feel that you are getting rich and help others. Associate yourself with the increase and wish richness and advancement for every person. Each person should feel inspired, advanced, and good with you. One should feel that there is an advancement and inspiration after meeting you.

A doctor is successful when he cures a patient and wishes for good health for him. With faith, he can cure curable diseases. A teacher advances in life and reaches fulfillment when he inspires and advances his students.

The science of getting rich is a science-based on specific facts and laws. There are certain assumptions because we do not see the working process.

Like we know, there is electricity, but we cannot see electricity. Process and science start with a thought of richness and abundance. If you want to receive the actions of your thoughts, go with the creative mind and not the competitive mind.

Once you receive something or whatever you have, be grateful for that. Gratitude will bring you more and make you connected with nature and its law. For every thought, there has to be action.

Act now to receive now and complete its transaction with inspiration, advancement, and increase.

What is that you want to add to the list?



Dr Ashish Juneja, PhD

PhD Economics | Digital Coach | Empowering coaches & trainers to thrive online 🚀 LinguixPro Giveaway link.drashishjuneja.com/giveaway ashish@drashishjuneja.com